Wednesday, August 2, 2017

connecting to a multiple shadowsocksR/Proxy handlers at the same time for windows

2 or more configurations

First, make a 2 or more copy in shadowsocksR.

go to the first shadowsocksR folder then edit the gui-config.json file using notepad/sublime
find the localPort and change its value to 1080.

Next go to the second shadowsocksR folder then edit the gui-config.json
find the localPort there and change its value to 1081

same procedure for the third shadowsocksR folder but change the localPort  to 1082.
then for the fourth shadowsocksR localPort is 1083.
And so on..
Now you've configured the shadowsocksR folders.
Run each one of them.

Next is configure each shadowsocksR for your manual proxy configuration
example for first shadowsocksR

for second:

And so on.
Now our shadowsocksR are ready,
its time to learn how to make PAC file!

What is PAC file?
PAC stands for "Proxy Auto Configurations" which actually describes itself.
It's used for redirecting for proxies.
This is easy to learn because its syntax is javascript.

So first create a new text file in your hard disk dirve and name it pac.txt

Next edit that pac and create a javascript function named FindProxyForURL with variable url and host.

Now that we've created a function, we need to make an array of our shadowsocks proxies.

Now that we're done for listing our shadowsocks proxies, we need to make the pac script to select one of the ssProxies array randomly.

now the proxy variable could be or 1082. So next we need to return to the client the proxy where to connect.

Full code :

function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {
ssProxies = ["","",""];
proxy = ssProxies[Math.floor(Math.random() * (ssProxies.length))];
return "PROXY " + proxy;

And now, we're done! now all we have to do left is to configure our browser and IDM!
go to settings of chrome > Open proxy settings > LAN settings.
Then replicate this setting

It depends where you saved the pac.txt
And now, if everytime you browse, it will randomly connect from one of the shadowsocks!

For how to configure IDM here:

You're welcome.

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